These chickpea protein balls are one of our favourite plant-based snack recipes. They are...
This creamy, light, and gut-friendly vegan potato salad is a perfect side dish to bring to a...
This bean and quinoa salad is one of our most popular recipes! It is not only a satisfying and...
This veggie-loaded recipe has got some added cashews for healthy fats and zinc (which may...
Makes 8 muffins
1.5 cups mixed nuts (we used Brazil, peanuts, almonds, &...
Serves 6
- 2 cups brown rice
- 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
- ...
Makes 6 mini tacos
5 plant points
- 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
- 1 medium red...
Suitable for those following a moderate food chemical elimination diet! This breakfast can...
You are going to love this colourful and delicious Mediterranean Past Salad - warm or cold!...
Whether you follow a personalised FODMAP diet or not, we’re sure you’ll love these...
A high protein breakfast is the best way to guarantee appetite control across the day. Our Smoky...
Looking for a quick and healthy meal idea? This sesame ginger soba noodle bowl can be ready in a...
These beauties are a favourite of ours here at the GHD! They are a healthy and delicious...
This tasty twist on the classic Italian soup is loaded with a variety of vegetables, legumes,...
This salmon dish is the ultimate Mediterranean feast for entertaining or even weeknight cooking...
Granola hasn’t always had the best reputation when it comes to being healthy! But this...
If you are short on time in the mornings but love a high-protein breakfast, these zucchini and...
This delectable and colourful bowl is so simple to make, you will want it for lunch every day!...